PAR: Frequently Asked Questions


Your questions about Patient Access to Records

If we haven't answered your question on this page or if you have any personal concerns please let us know.

We will update this page with new answers as we have them!

These answers come from multiple sources, if the answer to a question is from anyone other than us we will include a link the original source. 

Frequently Asked Questions

I need help understanding my record

You may come across abbreviations in your record which are unfamiliar. You can access a ‘Help with Abbreviations’ section in the NHS App that provides definitions for abbreviations commonly used in medical records to help you understand them. There is also an abbreviations information page online.

Learn more about Health records in your NHS account

Is the NHS App safe?

Your GP records are important. Although the NHS App and other approved apps that they are stored on are secure, you should keep your account details safe, just like your bank account details. If you have any concerns, for example, that a family member might log into your account without your permission, you should inform your GP and they will be able to manually turn off access. Turning off access in the NHS App does not stop you from requesting access to your full record at any time via Subject Access Request (SAR).

Something is incorrect in my record

Health and care organisations make every effort to keep your records accurate. However, occasionally information may need to be amended about you or your care.

If you think a record entry is inaccurate, please visit the NHS England guidance on amending records to learn more

Does Proxy Access change?

If you already have access to health and care services on someone else’s behalf, for example, a child or a family member (known as proxy access), you will still have the same level of access to their account when the change comes into effect. If you presently have full record access, you will keep full record access. However, if you only have proxy access for things like ordering medications, you will need to apply to see new record entries for the person. We will consider these requests on an individual basis.  Once you are registered for proxy access, you will see a linked profile for your family member in the NHS App.

I'm newly registered with the practice, or I am moving to another practice

If you move to a new GP practice, you will not be able to see the entries which were made at your previous practice on the NHS App. You will begin afresh and only see entries made by your new GP practice, which will be displayed automatically on the NHS App. This does not mean that any previous information is lost. To see your previous entries, you would need to make a request for access to historic records at your new practice.

Can I ask for more access?

You have a legal right to access the personal information held about you by health and care organisations. You can already obtain this information at any time you choose by making a Subject Access Request (SAR), however, it takes up to one calendar month for this information to go through the relevant processes. You can request additional access to your record however this will always be reviewed on an individual basis. The new changes to access will be made available as soon as we can make it safe to do so. 

I already have online access, why does my record say "Enhanced Review Indicated"?

This note means a central report has identified your record as meeting certain criteria and it needs one of our team to look it over. 

The note is there to tell our team who needs to be reviewed manually, it doesn't mean your access is denied or that your record contains anything concerning, it is just to help us review records. 

You may also see similar notes, such as "Enhanced Review NOT Indicated". These are all administration notes and it won't effect any of your care. 

What will I be able to see when the new changes are enabled?

When access to new record entries is switched on, you will be able to use the NHS App and other NHS supported Apps to read new entries made in your GP record.

The entries will include:

  • name, age and address
  • allergies and adverse reactions
  • treatments and medications
  • immunisations
  • test results
  • letters
  • notes made in your GP record

Please be aware that some access to records via the NHS App, may be manually turned off either partially or fully, if there is a risk of harm to you or someone else.